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  • Sustainable Innovators, Where Ideas Launch + Bug Spray Story

Sustainable Innovators, Where Ideas Launch + Bug Spray Story

[ISSUE #2] The Natural Impact Newsletter

Welcome to Natural Impact!

Good morning - making an impact in any part of our lives is a journey. From crisis to dreaming up a solution to hitting the road in search of the magic, the money, the answers. Our book recommendation for this issue invites you to indulge your younger self in a flight of fancy and to see her journey of change as a metaphor.

Whatever impact you want to make in the natural world, it starts with the dream and the story. We can be the villain in another's tale of woe or the hero in our own adventure.

Luckily we get to choose and to create our own journey.

We hope this issue inspires you and encourages you to think and act a little differently to… Be the Change.

Earth Day GIF by Lil Dicky

RECOMMENDED READING: The Girl From Earth's End

In the heartwarming tale set on the serene island of Earth's End, young and passionate gardener Henna sets out on a quest to find a legendary plant believed to have the power to heal her ailing father. As she ventures to St. Basil's Conservatory, a haven for botanical wonders, Henna discovers not just the vast world of plants but also forms unexpected bonds with her diverse roommates.

This beautifully crafted story is not just about a girl's journey to save her loved one but also a testament to resilience, friendship, and the magic that happens when nature and human spirit intertwine.

A must-read for those who believe in the healing power of nature and the strength of connections.

Get additional information and purchase info here.


SPOTLIGHT: Where Ideas Launch

Where Ideas Launch - The Podcast for the Sustainable Innovator has achieved a global top 5% ranking and continues to push boundaries on what’s possible to heal our planet and our world.

The podcast shines its light on sustainable heroes, businesses, educators, and activists working toward a purpose; a planet that can sustain the life within it.

Listen to Where Ideas Launch.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

— Mahatma Gandhi


Sustainable Packaging: A Consumer's Dilemma 🌿

In the face of environmental challenges, consumers are increasingly seeking sustainable product packaging. A recent study by Bain & Company reveals that 71% of European and US consumers express a preference for sustainable products and minimal packaging.

However, there's a catch: many find it challenging to identify genuinely sustainable packaging. For instance, a significant 70% of US consumers mistakenly believed single-use glass has a lower carbon footprint than single-use plastic.

While companies are making sustainability commitments, the choice of packaging material, be it paper, plastic, metal, or glass, isn't straightforward. Each material has its own environmental pros and cons. As the packaging sector grows, it's crucial for both companies and consumers to make informed decisions, ensuring a greener future.



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